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Interview Matrix Scoring for Hiring Manager

Find the Best Person for a Position.

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Interview Matrix Scoring for Hiring Managers is a comprehensive document that will help hiring managers assess prospective candidates and find the best person for a position.

This file aims to enhance your interview organization and candidate evaluation process, allowing you to maintain better score tracking and adopt a data-driven approach. It serves as a tool to collect and score candidate data before, during, or after an interview.

The file comprises multiple sheets that showcase different interview scoring methods. Take the time to explore each sheet and identify the format that best suits your interviewing needs. Additionally, there is a sheet filled with interview questions to provide you with inspiration and examples if needed.

Once you have selected a preferred format, simply add your own questions and attributes to the template, and you’ll be ready to commence your interviews. The mathematical calculations have already been pre-filled for your convenience, but feel free to make any adjustments that align with your interview style. To obtain the best results, ensure to ask the same questions consistently to all applicants. We hope this tool enhances your interviewing process. Enjoy!

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